KLQ has been delivrered :) As I could not be there during the actual delivery, I went to see her at the first opportunity, of course. To fit!
My flying adventures. From the very start through the course to my PPL, and beyond! ... (I hope ;) )
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Delivery !!!
The 6th of November, a three hour flight took "my" Aquila from the factory in Schönhagen (Berlin) to her new home, KLM Aeroclub in Lelystad!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to witness the "homecoming" myself, because I was abroad at the time. Hence the delay in writing this repport. Many of you will probably have seen the pictures in other media already, but that does not hold me from writing a piece on this milestone myself, of course :)
Monday, 22 October 2012
Aquila day is coming ...
Today, the 22nd of October, was the originally planned delivery date of the Aquila. For a bit, it looked like delivery could take place even weeks before, but some red tape prevented that quite efficiently. But now, it's all set: the airplane has her Dutch registration finalised as PH-KLQ, she's paid for (largely), and the last stand-by instruments have been assembled into the cockpit. All that is needed now is two days of good weather (VMC, Visual Meteorological Conditions; required for Visual Flight Rules (VFR) based flight) at days that fit the schedule of the ferry crew. The crew (representatives of corporation Vuelo, and KLM Aeroclub) will fly to Schönhagen, fly an acceptance flight with the new plane, place the decisive signature, and ferry the plane back to her new home base, Lelystad Airport.
Last Friday and Saturday was the first try already, but the weather forecast over the weekend looked bad. 7000m sight is marginal, but ceilings ranging from 2000 to 700 ftAMSL (above mean sea level) are too marginal, up to outright illegal for VFR flight. The chance that the men would not be able to appear at work on Monday was just too big, so this attempt was cancelled. I just can't wait for the next occasion where weather meets calendars ...
Last Friday and Saturday was the first try already, but the weather forecast over the weekend looked bad. 7000m sight is marginal, but ceilings ranging from 2000 to 700 ftAMSL (above mean sea level) are too marginal, up to outright illegal for VFR flight. The chance that the men would not be able to appear at work on Monday was just too big, so this attempt was cancelled. I just can't wait for the next occasion where weather meets calendars ...
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Ready for delivery... foto (c) and courtesy of: Stu Carr |
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Zulu Zulu
Thanks to an anonymous sponsor, I was already able to order my headset. So, I did: Ordered on Monday, delivered on Wednesday already!! :)
Lightspeed Headset |
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Passed my Medical :)
The only potential show-stopper for my flying adventures was my medical. "Was", because yesterday I got my Class II Certificate! :)
All happy, because now I'm sure that all the investments already done, and especially those that I am about to do, are not in vain.
If I don't get my license now (in due time, of course), then it's only me to blame. Dedication, devotion, motivation, time, and, yes, some money, is all that's needed as of now. Time and money are the most uncertain factors, but I have them all planed out. If my plan comes through, I'll have my pilot's license in a couple of years.
Passed! :) |
If I don't get my license now (in due time, of course), then it's only me to blame. Dedication, devotion, motivation, time, and, yes, some money, is all that's needed as of now. Time and money are the most uncertain factors, but I have them all planed out. If my plan comes through, I'll have my pilot's license in a couple of years.
Friday, 28 September 2012
A few more steps...
The contract between Vuelo corporation and KLM Aeroclub is signed...
... and the airplane is nearly ready ...
... all that is lacking is a bit of paperwork ...
I'm not goin to name a date, but it can't take very much longer until delivery now, can t?
I have an appointment for my initial class 2 medical on wednesday, the 3rd of October. A valid medical certificate is a prerequisite for solo flight, so that's kind of important... If I get my "bill of health", next step will be to become a KLM Aeroclub member, and find myself a headset. I've got some time for those last two, because I will need to save up some more before I can start my actual course.
But first things first. Let's sit in this new baby ;)
... and the airplane is nearly ready ...
... all that is lacking is a bit of paperwork ...
I'm not goin to name a date, but it can't take very much longer until delivery now, can t?
I have an appointment for my initial class 2 medical on wednesday, the 3rd of October. A valid medical certificate is a prerequisite for solo flight, so that's kind of important... If I get my "bill of health", next step will be to become a KLM Aeroclub member, and find myself a headset. I've got some time for those last two, because I will need to save up some more before I can start my actual course.
But first things first. Let's sit in this new baby ;)
Monday, 27 August 2012
Almost there
Saturday the 25th, was the day that the maiden flight of our new plane would take place. Unfortunately, the weather was not good enough to fly, so that flight was postponed. And of course, that also meant the the weather was too bad for us to fly to the factory as well :(
Weatheralert Saturday morning 0900 (exactly the planned departure time) |
Orbifly map: Light Green = VMC, Dark Green = Marginal VMC, orange = IMC, rood = intensive IMC, Dark Red very intensive IMC (like just belowr Berlijn...) |
Monday, 13 August 2012
Aquila is being built!
In anticipation of our pending visit, the Aquila importer sent us some pictures of the current state of "our" aircraft as it is being built. Or actually it is the state of two weeks ago, as I just returned from a holiday.
We are still mailing back and forth to finalise everything, but all but one managed to book a room at the Park Inn hotel at Alexanderplatz, so that promises a nice night in Berlin as well :)
We'll fly back to Lelystad on the 26th, and then I can start organising my pictures. I expect to take more than 10 ... ;) So don't go expecting a full report on the 27th, but do expect one in due time.
I can't wait for these two weeks to be over!
We'll depart Lelystad as early as possible on the 25th, with two airplanes, totalling 6 people. The 7th, Peter Eier, will stick some days in Berlin to this factory visist, so he will travel by commercial airliner. Way to go Peter!
We'll probably do a stopover in Porta Westfalica, or Hildesheim (or one on the trip towards Schönhagen, the other on the return trip). That way, we reduce the flight time per leg from 3 to about 1 1/2 hour, we get to change seats, and possibly put the 2 non-licenced people in the left seat (read: take a flying lesson), each for one leg ... We are still mailing back and forth to finalise everything, but all but one managed to book a room at the Park Inn hotel at Alexanderplatz, so that promises a nice night in Berlin as well :)
We'll fly back to Lelystad on the 26th, and then I can start organising my pictures. I expect to take more than 10 ... ;) So don't go expecting a full report on the 27th, but do expect one in due time.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Factory visit (1)
This is it, the date is set!
Satuday, August 25th, 7 of us set course to the Aquila factory in Schönhagen. Tim Drubbel reserved a DA-40, and Rik Douwes (Air Waterland, Aquila importer) reserved a Piper Archer. Now, we are all heavily mailing back and forth to come to a distribution of people over the planes, and making hotel reservations. Peter Eier is making a week out of it, to see Berlin. He has already booked a flight and hotel, so now the rest is trying to book into the same hotel, so that we get to hang out for the entire Saturday. Maybe a good deal of the Sunday as well. In any case, this way, we don't need to make a three hour international flight after a doubtlessly very tyring Saturday. And it will make us enjoy the journey itself all the more :)
Now let's hope the summer weather kicks in finally ...
Satuday, August 25th, 7 of us set course to the Aquila factory in Schönhagen. Tim Drubbel reserved a DA-40, and Rik Douwes (Air Waterland, Aquila importer) reserved a Piper Archer. Now, we are all heavily mailing back and forth to come to a distribution of people over the planes, and making hotel reservations. Peter Eier is making a week out of it, to see Berlin. He has already booked a flight and hotel, so now the rest is trying to book into the same hotel, so that we get to hang out for the entire Saturday. Maybe a good deal of the Sunday as well. In any case, this way, we don't need to make a three hour international flight after a doubtlessly very tyring Saturday. And it will make us enjoy the journey itself all the more :)
Now let's hope the summer weather kicks in finally ...
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
The plane is ordered!
Somewhere mid-June, the Aquila has been ordered from the factory in Schönhagen (EDAZ, just South of Berlin)!
Link to the site of the factory
Expected delivery dat is the 22nd of October. Slightly more that the 3 months delivery time that was given before, due to closure of the factory during the summer holidays.
That's not so much of a problem for me, since I will need even more time to fill my savings reservoir to a level that will allow me to continue taking lessons on a regular basis. I expect that to take at least until fall next year, maybe even later...
Link to the site of the factory
Expected delivery dat is the 22nd of October. Slightly more that the 3 months delivery time that was given before, due to closure of the factory during the summer holidays.
That's not so much of a problem for me, since I will need even more time to fill my savings reservoir to a level that will allow me to continue taking lessons on a regular basis. I expect that to take at least until fall next year, maybe even later...
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F-HARN, Aquila A210 demonstrator for during the wait for the delivery |
Friday, 25 May 2012
Corporation Vuelo U.A. officially founded
Yesterday, the 24th of May, the board, and a notary, signed the constitution, which officially founded the corporation "coöperatie Vuelo U.A.".
Today, the corporation will be registered with the Chamber of Commerce, and that it's all official.
This marks the first important step of the process that will eventually lead towards actually ordering the plane.
The next step will be for the tax authorities to declare the corporation VAT liable, which would result in the corporation not having to pay VAT over the purchase price of the aircraft. As VAT is 21%, this is a potential show-stopper for this entire endeavour...
Also, some candidates still need to be persuaded to actually pay up the money they agreed to, before the actual purchase order can be placed.
During the last members meeting, as they are called as of now, the board introduced themselves:
Patrick Tediek (president)
Ernesto Lopez Vega (treasurer)
Piet de Hondt (Secretary)
and proposed the name Vuelo. That name is obviously inspired by the Spanish background of our treasurer ;) The U.A. stands for "No Liability". That means that the largest risk for participants is the initial fee. All other risks must be covered by insurances. In the eventual case of bankruptcy of the corporation, if there is still a debt after selling the inventory, and paying off all creditors, the participants won't be held liable for that. That all won't happen, of course, but it's a comforting thought.
During that same meeting, all the topics regarding the plane and it's equipment I mentioned in the previous post were mentioned again, but this time as dicisions instead of proposals. We also talked a bit more in depth on the agreement between the corporation and kLM Aeroclub.In practice, KLM Aeroclub will be responsible for the operation of the aircraft, where the corporation will be responsible for providing, maintaining, and insuring the aircraft. The pilot won't notice the corporation exists. KLM Aeroclub will bill the pilot directly for the wet-lease tariff,and the corporation will bill KLM Aeroclub once a month for the dry lease fee. That way, the corporation benefits from the operational discounts of KLM Aeroclub, and the pilot has only one, well equipped, point of contact. The member administration of the corporation will be synchronised with the KLM Aeroclub administration once a month, to ensure that the participants get billed according to the lower rate ;)
There has been a new development regarding the flight deck equipment: besides the fact that the stand-by altimeter and speedometer are standard instruments that come togetjer with the G500, Garrecht is in the process of getting a new gadget certified. That would comprise of a FLARM unit with ADSB-In, which uses the MFD of the G500 as an output in overlay mode. Which means as much as that the right hand computer display on the panel, which usually displays the map with the planes current position and heading, will then also display symbols for all the detected traffic in the vicinity of the air plane. That will, of course, greatly enhance the safety, especially in the neighbourhood of airports and glider sites. The meeting decided to wait for the certification to come through, before putting up a vote to go purchase the equipment (and therewith not to include the stand-alone instrument at this time).
Besides the VAT liability, the actual payment of the remaining participants is another potential show-stopper that has to be dealt with soon. In the meeting we agreed to put the deadline on June the first. If at that moment not all payments are in, a members meeting will be called with the subject the liquidation of the corporation... Let's just hope it does not come to that!
By the way: the first of June is therewith also determined as the final date for new entries, so if you want to participate, there is still a small window of opportunity ...
Today, the corporation will be registered with the Chamber of Commerce, and that it's all official.
This marks the first important step of the process that will eventually lead towards actually ordering the plane.
The next step will be for the tax authorities to declare the corporation VAT liable, which would result in the corporation not having to pay VAT over the purchase price of the aircraft. As VAT is 21%, this is a potential show-stopper for this entire endeavour...
Also, some candidates still need to be persuaded to actually pay up the money they agreed to, before the actual purchase order can be placed.
During the last members meeting, as they are called as of now, the board introduced themselves:
Patrick Tediek (president)
Ernesto Lopez Vega (treasurer)
Piet de Hondt (Secretary)
and proposed the name Vuelo. That name is obviously inspired by the Spanish background of our treasurer ;) The U.A. stands for "No Liability". That means that the largest risk for participants is the initial fee. All other risks must be covered by insurances. In the eventual case of bankruptcy of the corporation, if there is still a debt after selling the inventory, and paying off all creditors, the participants won't be held liable for that. That all won't happen, of course, but it's a comforting thought.
During that same meeting, all the topics regarding the plane and it's equipment I mentioned in the previous post were mentioned again, but this time as dicisions instead of proposals. We also talked a bit more in depth on the agreement between the corporation and kLM Aeroclub.In practice, KLM Aeroclub will be responsible for the operation of the aircraft, where the corporation will be responsible for providing, maintaining, and insuring the aircraft. The pilot won't notice the corporation exists. KLM Aeroclub will bill the pilot directly for the wet-lease tariff,and the corporation will bill KLM Aeroclub once a month for the dry lease fee. That way, the corporation benefits from the operational discounts of KLM Aeroclub, and the pilot has only one, well equipped, point of contact. The member administration of the corporation will be synchronised with the KLM Aeroclub administration once a month, to ensure that the participants get billed according to the lower rate ;)
There has been a new development regarding the flight deck equipment: besides the fact that the stand-by altimeter and speedometer are standard instruments that come togetjer with the G500, Garrecht is in the process of getting a new gadget certified. That would comprise of a FLARM unit with ADSB-In, which uses the MFD of the G500 as an output in overlay mode. Which means as much as that the right hand computer display on the panel, which usually displays the map with the planes current position and heading, will then also display symbols for all the detected traffic in the vicinity of the air plane. That will, of course, greatly enhance the safety, especially in the neighbourhood of airports and glider sites. The meeting decided to wait for the certification to come through, before putting up a vote to go purchase the equipment (and therewith not to include the stand-alone instrument at this time).
Besides the VAT liability, the actual payment of the remaining participants is another potential show-stopper that has to be dealt with soon. In the meeting we agreed to put the deadline on June the first. If at that moment not all payments are in, a members meeting will be called with the subject the liquidation of the corporation... Let's just hope it does not come to that!
By the way: the first of June is therewith also determined as the final date for new entries, so if you want to participate, there is still a small window of opportunity ...
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
Dotting some "i"s
On Thursday, the 11th of April, KLM Aeroclub had organised the first "shareholders meeting" for the Aquila A210 share holders. Now that the minimum number of share holders is reached, it is time to set up the cooperation, and that takes some formalities. There needs to be a board, and a constitution. The corporation will order the plane, so it must be decided exactly what to order (colour, equipment, registration, etc.)
Sunday, 1 April 2012
It giet ôan
"It goes on", as they say in Friesland
The minimum number of 40 shareholders was reached, so now the corporation can be officially founded, and the Aquila can be ordered!
On April 1st (the end date of the initial agreement), pretty precisely 40 shares were sold. That leaves about 10 more shares to be potentially available, as the maximum is set to 50. Now, with 40 shares, there is enough money to place the order for the airplane. Until the final payment is due, there is still some time for up to 10 new shareholders to join. But even if it stays at 40 shareholders, the deal is on. More shareholders would mean a lower share price, (with a proportionally lower profit).
Founding the corporation, drawing up agreements, ordering the plane, it will all take a little time. With a delivery time of the airplane of about three months, somewhere around the end of July, beginning of August, the KLM Aeorclub fleet will grow by ine two-seater. An I will "co-own" 2 to 2.5% of that one! :)
The minimum number of 40 shareholders was reached, so now the corporation can be officially founded, and the Aquila can be ordered!
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This winglet is mine! |
Founding the corporation, drawing up agreements, ordering the plane, it will all take a little time. With a delivery time of the airplane of about three months, somewhere around the end of July, beginning of August, the KLM Aeorclub fleet will grow by ine two-seater. An I will "co-own" 2 to 2.5% of that one! :)
Monday, 12 March 2012
Demo Day
Saturday the 10th of March, KLM Aeroclub held an Aquila demo day for which a couple of FIs provided their services for free. So at a couple of tenners per hour less cost, it was extra interesting to come and try out the A210, this weekend.
I went too, despite the fact that already signed the agreement, and did the downpayment. For me, this day was more about socialising, and of course about the progress in finding the necessary participants. Also, I wanted to have some pictures of the already third demonstrator for the club. After the D-EWTF, another one has come and gone already. Now it was F-HARN's turn to complete the club's fleet.
Sunday, 5 February 2012
The Aquilla also a very interesting business investment...
I am a technician, so I usually don't endeavour on the economical path. But this is an open door I would like to kick in anyway:
The shared ownership construction with the Aquila of KLM Aeroclub is also very interesting as a business investment opportunity. Even if the business does not appoint a pilot that can fly at a reduced rate. The expected ROI is 10%!
The shared ownership construction with the Aquila of KLM Aeroclub is also very interesting as a business investment opportunity. Even if the business does not appoint a pilot that can fly at a reduced rate. The expected ROI is 10%!
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