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Monday, 28 October 2013

Theory, theory, theory

I have started my PPL (Private Pilot's License) theory course by now. That consists of 7 subjects, each with their own exam. I get 18 months to pass all exams, starting from the first try. They are multiple-choice questions, of which at least 75% of the answers need to be correct, to pass the test. During the 18 months, one gets 8 tries, and in those 8 tries, one has to pass all 7 subjects. The strategy will be to do multiple exams per try, but not too many, because then you'll be too worn down for the last test. Plus, you'd need to study all the subjects at once, and chances are, that you'll have forgotten too much of the first subject you started to study, already.
Furthermore, one has to follow classes with a state-accredited (flight) school, so doing it all as self-study is not allowed. Not that I had intended to do it all by  myself! I know quite a lot already through my Flight Simming experience. But all that, I got from well-meaning amateurs like myself. So it is very well possible that I have taught myself wrong things. And for sure I did not teach myself everything. KLM Aeroclub does not have enough appliccants to maintain a certified instructor for theory classes, and to keep the theory education certificate valid every year. So I registered with another certified flight school: "Dwarf Powered Gliders", based atHilversum Airport (EHHV), after consulting with my Flight Instructor, and some flying friends.

Dwarf Powered Gliders, off to the right of "Vliegschool Hilversum"