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Friday, 30 August 2013

$100 mussels

The $ 100 burger is a phenomenon well known in the U.S. General Aviation . It has its origins in the search for a destination to fly to. Lacking a "real" reason to go anywhere , a trip to a distant restaurant obviously is a good excuse to have some air flow under the wings.
As a variant of this , I found the mussel fly-in on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Aeroclub Zeeland a good reason to book the Aquila. This time with Piet de Hondt as an instructor and thus my first flying lesson in "my own" air plane was booked :)
For me, so no $ 100 Hamburger, but mussels , this time !

And : this time the bad weather came only a day later , so I've actually flown my first flying lesson in the Aquila!

Friday, 16 August 2013

First Flight

I finally got to fly "my own" plane! :)

So far, I have flown a lesson in a C172 (PH-ACT of and with Ronald Janssen, Zelf Vliegen), and in the Aquila demonstrator plane (F-HARN with Flight Instructor Ferry Herfst, KLM Aeroclub). Also , I have flown along with an Antonov An-2 (D-FONL, Classic Wings, EHTE-EHSE-EDLV-EHTE), AT-3 (SP-ACY, with Erwin van den Boom, Bami Aviation, via Zelf Vliegen), DA-20 (PH-FLK, with Wouter Nagel, Diamond Flyers), and recently, of course, with a Piper Comanche (D-EGHE, of and with Kees de Hoogh). I have written about that in previous posts, so go look them up if you like :)
But now, the moment I've been waiting for was finally there: my first flight in the plane which I partially own!