So, what do you do when you don't have the money to start flightschool just yet? You save up, of course! And in the mean time, you do all sorts of other flight-related stuff.
I started to study PPL theory from the books I got for my last birthday (thanks again, everybody!). I also enrolled in a scientific experiment that involves a full-motion Flight Simulator... I visit the social evenings at KLM Aeroclub as much as possible, like the other day with a lecture on meteorology. I'll write about these things during the time I need to get my finances in order, but what I wanted to write about today, is a foundation called "Stichting Hoogvliegers". That would translate to "Highflyers Foundation".
Stichting Hoogvliegers defined their goal as "to make (chronically or terminally) ill, or (physically or mentally) challenged children (age 6 through 16) pilot for one day". They do that by organising flights for individual children, and their accompanists, and group days with flights for 50 to 100 childeren. These flights and days are organised at all airports in the Netherlands (including Schiphol!). April 6th, a group day was organised at Lelystad Airport, hosted by KLM Aeroclub. So I quickly enrolled as volunteer for this day.
Below, a report of my experiences that day.